NK Presents: Improving Access to Behavioral Health

Healthcare providers have devoted increased attention to mental and behavioral health — a need expected to only intensify after COVID-19 — but barriers to access have long kept people from getting the care they need, particularly in minority groups or under-resourced communities.

What challenges do providers face in expanding access to behavioral health services? What initiatives are being undertaken, and what policies put in place, to overcome them? How can design and technology help? Join NK Architects as we convene the region’s leading experts in behavioral health to discuss how we can improve mental health in our communities — for everyone.

NK Presents: Improving Access to Behavioral Health
A Virtual Panel Discussion

Wednesday, December 1, 2021
1:00 – 2:00pm Eastern


Dr. Faith Dyson-Washington
Chief Executive Officer, Community Behavioral Health

Patricia A. Toole
President and Chief Hospital Executive, Hackensack Meridian Health Carrier Clinic, Inc.

Debra L. Wentz, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies (NJAMHAA)

Theresa C. Wilson, MSW, LCSW
President and CEO, South Jersey Behavioral Health Resources (SJBHR) / Executive Vice President, Inperium of New Jersey


Elizabeth Sullivan, Associate AIA, LEED GA, EDAC
Healthcare Practice Leader, NK Architects